Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Get busy living or get busy dying!

The classic line from a classic movie and it applies today. The old habits took over today. I executed all three trades incorrectly. I have finished for the day but for whopping -20 pips!

There was no real reason for today’s events, I wasn’t tired, I was in a good mood, I was relaxed. This has to be down to the fact that I have all the wrong habits ingrained in me, there is no other explanation.

Now – how can I leave today’s session on a positive note? I stopped for the day after three trades and I am consistent in this? I did for a split second today, consider entering a fourth trade though. It can only be onwards and upwards from here? It must only be onwards and upwards from here.

Having a good session on the Forex markets first thing in the morning sets me up for the day, so I will be patient. There are two more days left in this week. I have to go back to the basics and wait for that perfect entry point and still be ready to GOWID. The perfect entry point is when there is sustained correlation between the currencies with sufficient momentum for me to grab 1 or 2 pips and get out without having any doubt – there, I have spelt it out!

I visualise as best as I can, that there will come a time, when I have grown my capital to £400k and I will be trading at £1k per pip, the maximum allowed – pure financial freedom. I have this in me, far lesser people than I are successful in Forex trading, it can only follow that I will be successful in this too.........

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