Monday, 28 February 2011

4 pips again!

I started late today at 10.15am and finished at 10.20am for +4 pips off one buy trade.

Sounds superb I know, but following my performance last week, my confidence is low and I can’t help but wonder if this one trade hadn’t gone positive in the 20 seconds which was the duration of this trade, how long would I have stayed in? Would I have let it go negative to the point of the stop loss kicking in again? Or would I have exercised GOWID correctly to minimise my losses? The answers to these questions are, I just don’t know.

I would normally be over the moon after a trade such as this, but I know all too well that a great result like this doesn’t mean that I will pull it off again or more to the point, follow the rules consistently in the future. How do I change this? How can I stop making the same mistakes over and over again? I have tried everything so far, I have told myself repeatedly what I need to do to make this a success. I have also beaten myself up on many occasions for the mistakes I have made. So what more can I do to ensure that I simply follow the rules and not waiver? This is not rocket science, so why can’t I trade successfully yet?

I’m kinda fed up sitting down to trade every morning and my emotions yo-yoing from highs to lows from one morning to the next or from one week to the next (on those rare occasions when I have performed well for a whole week). Something has to give – I talked like this before – when is this going to become a success for me? Or is it more like, when am I going to quit?

I’m going to leave it at that for today, I have plenty of other work to do, I will be back again tomorrow.

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